Meibography: A valuable tool in dry eye diagnosis
Aug 30, 2024InnovationDry eye is a common complaint among ophthalmic patients, with Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) being the leading cause, present in 86% of cases.
NGO Renovatio boosts service with Eyer
Aug 19, 2024SocialTwo years ago, the organization included retinal imaging in all appointments. The AI embedded in the equipment has helped diagnose retinal diseases.
NGO brings eye care to 500 indigenous people in Amazonas
Jul 22, 2024SocialWith Eyer, doctors of the Amazon have diagnosed diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, AMD and asteroid hyalosis, among others.
Phelcom maximizes customer experience with agile and personalized support
Jul 22, 2024CompanyThe customer support department offers flexible training schedules, detailed educational materials and fast, customized service to guarantee a complete experience with Phelcom products.
“Retinal examination is essential for diagnosing glaucoma”, says ophthalmologist and researcher at Wills Eye hospital Fábio Lavinsky
Mar 11, 2024CompanyEyer portable fundus camera offers specific tools for diagnosing glaucoma, such as the stereophoto feature and CDR – Cup to Disk Ratio
Doctor presents a project with the Eyer at BRICS forum.
Jan 23, 2024InnovationGustavo Gameiro spoke about applications of basic models and the use of Eyer’s portable fundus camera with artificial intelligence for teaching ophthalmology.
Pediatric ophthalmology: Real stories of how Eyer has made a difference in the care of infants and children
Jan 23, 2024CompanyRecently, Dr. Patrícia de Freitas Dotto, MD, PhD was able to diagnose retinal lesions in a baby suffering from Shaken Baby Syndrome thanks to the fundus examination performed using a portable fundus camera.
The world’s first portable retinal camera with high-quality