How do solutions from healthtechs improve access to healthcare?

How do solutions from healthtechs improve access to healthcare?

Undoubtedly, one of the trends in health technology in 2021 is the consolidation of healthtechs. These startups have spread widely in recent years. Since 2014, they sum up US$ 430 million in investments, according to the survey Healthtech Report Brazil 2020....

Genetic treatment is a long hope of vision recovery

Genetic treatment is a long hope of vision recovery

Imagine losing sight in childhood and regaining it partially after many years? This happened to a patient who received an experimental genetic treatment aimed to recover the vision of patients with Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) and severe visual impairment. The...

8 tools to make your doctor’s office more digital

8 tools to make your doctor’s office more digital

Before Covid-19, telemedicine in Brazil was still considerably limited. For instance, the regulation law dates from 2002 and only allows three modalities: issue of remote reports, teleducation and teleassistance. However, the activity has earned space during the...

How Phelcom Eyer made Dr. Caio Regatieri’s day to day easier

How Phelcom Eyer made Dr. Caio Regatieri’s day to day easier

Doctors' daily routines, with medical assistance and surgeries in hospitals, as well as care in their own clinics, may be quite distressing. Moreover, other appointments leave these professionals an even tighter schedule. For example, home visits to patients, business...

Indigenous reserves receive medical care in Mato Grosso

Indigenous reserves receive medical care in Mato Grosso

In January this year, ophthalmologist Korn Malerbi boarded an expedition towards a special destination: taking free medical care to three indigenous reserves in the State of Mato Grosso. "I was invited to join a team of doctors who already takes periodical actions in...

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