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Phelcom presents Eyer at seminar of innovation on health and accessibility
December 3, 2018


Startup presented the importance of democratizing access to ophthalmology examinations in the global fight against blindness.

Phelcom Technologies was one of the companies invited to participate in the International Seminar on Innovative Startups in the Area of ​​Health and Inclusion, which took place on November 23 in São Paulo.

The meeting presented the startups business models developed during the Startups Training and Development of People with Disabilities course offered by the São Paulo State Departament for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in partnership with the University of São Paulo (USP).

In addition to Phelcom, the international companies Renew Senses and Cure Medical were also some of the invited startups.

Phelcom co-founder and CEO José Augusto Stuchi presented the Eyer portable retinal camera, an innovative smartphone device that performs high quality exams. “Portability and low cost compared to the traditional fundus camera democratizes access to retinal examination, helping to prevent and diagnose blindness and severe visual impairment, diseases that affect about 250 million people in the world,” says Stuchi.

Today, 85% of Brazilian cities do not have ophthalmology services. With Eyer, the exams can be done anywhere and the generated data will be automatically synchronized with the internet, allowing the remote diagnosis.

The equipment is expected to be launched in early 2019.


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The world’s first portable retinal camera with high-quality

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